Sunday, February 12, 2012

W H O aM I ??

I am Shavon. Shavon means God is gracious so they say.  Sometimes I like to be called Shay.  I am a figment of my own imagination. I imagine myself to be defined by my inner beauty. Although at times, my beauty within isn't so beautiful.  I am 25 years old and I feel old. Weird right? Am I defined by my age? Indeed.  Am I judged on my weight? Of course.
In the media world, you are judged on several things as a woman but there are two things scrutinized the most, your age and your weight.  Women all over Hollywood have altered their bodies to keep their youth (impossible) and to keep their weight down.
For years, I have battled with my weight.  At one point in my life as you see below, I was obese.  Regardless of how much I was bombarded from the media with images of women with six pack abs and retouched images, I considered myself B E A U T I F U L.
There is a confidence here, that is not defined by weight.
As mentioned in class, pop culture has a huge influence on how we view our culture and the culture around us.  Several years ago, the picture above would have been considered beautiful and to me, it still is.  Now, the picture below is what is considered beautiful.
Taken from

Ask yourself... How do you achieve your ultimate success? Is it through your academics, your popularity, your looks and your weight?? Lets see Janet Jackson's take on it

Stay beautiful.

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