Saturday, April 21, 2012

Dictatorial Creativity

         It is interesting to see facts which prove saying, “ Nature is a mother of repetition”. Bell Hooks said “As cultural critics proclaim this postmodern era the age of nomadism…” which nicely describes the present picture of society in the same impulse as before but in a different forms(“Real to Real”, Introduction Making Movie Magic). People of today live the many cultures  at once by only spending a minimum of 13 dollars in the theatres.Today having a variety of different movies and diverse cultures in front of us it is a nice journey,but the problem is that we forgot to challenge that delivery. As Tennesey Williams said in his play:"You are watching the movies instead of moving". (Glass of Menagerie) In terms of present time ,yes we do not move the boundaries of limited thinking. People live their life with a routine  and  most of the time the moment of an excitement  and aliveness appear while watching the movies .
     People while watching the movies allow them selves to  feel and think about the characters of the movies .In that way they expel all the culminated emotions they hide in their own life.  In that moment the scene from the movie becomes more real then the real life. We allow our selves to emerge in that life of director’s vision ,thinking that is just hour and a half  and uncounscesly we cheat our own vision.
   Long time ago people were living their own ignorant lives by the leadership of the dictatorial personalities. Today we supposed to live in a democratic  relationship with one and another ,because we have the right to speak ,to feel and to see. Considering that why we  failing to feel that great openness ?!Unfortinately ,we do have still the dictators of our lives. I mean Dictator in the roles of directors ,who spontaneously influence with  their vision our own. All is happening when we are in the moments of relaxation. They do in  such a way so that we can be blind for realistic point of view. As Bell Hooks said “ A film may have incredibly revolutionary standpoints merged with conservative ones .This mingling of standpoints is often what makes it hard for audience to critically “read” the overall filmic narrative”(Real to Real”.

"The Safe House"


Furthermore, before being critically informed of the messages from a  movies ,I would enjoy fully the heroic courage of males characters.Now  for instance ,watching the movie” The Safe House” I realized for the first time that man in order to comfort his  worried girlfriend about his disappearance for some time  ,he just have to say “…Just believe me baby ”.At first I would believe him ,because I could feel his busy life and his determent voice ,but immediately I realized that I can not almost hear that kind of words coming from woman's mouth. Scenes like this are perfect support of woman's invisibility.
In addition  ,we dream so much through movies ,that  any real depiction of certain matter in movies is described  as a “Women's' Movie”but is actually the emotional side of life. There comes another devisions among people.The interest in dramas takes the emotional audience and put them on the place of the "weak" people.On the other hand ,the real impulse of life is considered in action movies where the main character ,male usually, can beat the unbeatable .Thus the real man is the one who glorify power over materialistic things and woman the ones who correlates with tears. However, directors,visionaries,media again on that way nurture the gender roles which isolates people from their true inner life.For instance, Debra Zimmerman talks how it is hard to deliver her vision to the masses since “ the audience just did not want to deal with that”(Woman Make Movies).
       Fortunately, with a critical eye we can be independent nomads who live in balance of themselves and nature.Actually,being aware  of ourselves first we can distinguish the real and unreal.

Work Cited:

Hooks,Bell.Real to Real,Making Movie Magic,Introduction,Routledge,1996,print
Tennessee, Williams.The Glass Menagerie.Random House ,1944,book

Redith ,Juddith. Beyond the Directors Chair, Debra Zimmerman and Woman Make Movies,article

 The Movie ," The Safe House" by David Espinoza

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