Saturday, April 28, 2012

Cunt, Bitch, and Slut - CBS

For a long period of time language, specifically - deragatory terms, have been used to demean women and make them feel less suprior to men. Women walk around hearing such words as "bitch," "slut," and "cunt" thrown at them from every direction. To some it shames them but there are women out there who have tried to bring positive connotations to those words and use them in an enpowering way. For our group project we decided to talk about how the meaning of these terms changed over the years and the way each of them have been reclaimed and not reclaimed. How the media was a positive tool used for the reclamation process. We conducted short interviews with many Hunter College students about their thoughts on the words "bitch, slut, and cunt," how it's used in their lives and if they believed society could/would ever reclaim them. We got both female and male perspectives on the issue to make it more balanced out so we hope you enjoy the final product.

Xin Wen

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